Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Well, we made it!

Could have been worse, but our last day in Cleveland was crazy!  The plan was to do all the final packing, have a quiet evening by the chiminia fire and saying our goodbyes to the last 10 years.  Didn't quite happen that way.  I was supposed to deliver my car to the lady that bought it at 10 am.  Unfortunately, White County thought after 10 years it was a good idea to have me do some jury duty in April.  Called them to tell them I would not be here and was informed that I had to bring a letter to the judge and request release.  So I go to the courthouse with my summons and the letter.  She informs me that I will be expected to appear in October.  I told her I didn't know if we would be returning.  Oh, in that case you have to request you be excused from service.  Oh, here comes his secretary, hurry, finish your letter and go.  I'll call you when I have an answer.  Make sure to leave a cell phone number.  So, OK, whatever!   I'm leaving in the morning for AK and you can come find me there!!

Get back to the house and the cell phone won't work.  After an hour on the phone with them it is worked out and once again operating.

I finally got the car delivered and it couldn't have been a more perfect day to ride around with the top down! I wanted to do that the day before, but it was raining!  Figures.  Oh well.   Really gonna miss that car!

Now we get back home and start getting the packing done.  We are exhausted and hungry.  The rain the day before made the wood all wet, so the fire wouldn't light.  Oh well, the stars are pretty and our spacemen are out there, so we say our goodbyes.  No, I'm not crazy, but that's for another time.

So, we try to sleep and he does ok, but I end up until 2 am. 

Anyway, we finally got on the road after almost hitting a tree getting this monster out of the driveway. 

We are just outside of Chattanooga now going up 24 heading toward Nashville.  Will let you know if anything exciting happens along the way!!!




  1. this is going to be like a Soap Opera! Very Kewl. I cannot believe all that happened on the FIRST day. We are in for a treat :-)

  2. Well, maybe not! But I at least hope it will be interesting enough to keep you coming back! Love the deck!
