Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm not sure how to write about the rest of today.  Quiet, uneventful, nice!  So I will just let the photos tell you about it.

The field of wind turbines was pretty neat, and then along comes a bunch of semi's carrying some of the blades.  Couldn't believe how big they really are.  They sure have them in the right place tho; windy as can be. 

Then our first home cooked meal ( bless the person that created the electric skillet ), one of our favorites, stir fry.  Then a beautiful sunset to finish it off !  Now watching old John Wayne movies and relaxing!

Have a wonderful evening and thanks for stopping by!



  1. Where r u at now? I just love seeing your adventure!

  2. Love the looks good, too! This is going to be a great experience...I'm learning some pointers from you in case we ever get an RV
